Arman, Bernard Aubertin, Enrico Baj, Bruno Ceccobelli, Giuseppe Chiari, Tano Festa, Piero Gilardi, Jiri Kolar, Elio Marchegiani, Umberto Mariani, Hermann Nitsch, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ben Vautier.
26 November 2014 – 18 January 2015
Press release

An exhibition entitled Objects opens at the Guastalla Centro Arte gallery dedicated to the confrontation between artists in whose works objects of daily use appear interpreted and used beyond their own nature. The object, extrapolated from the context for which it was born, can take on many different meanings by entering into the creation of the work of art and becoming the subject itself. In this sense we see how, if Duchamp with the ready-made and the Surrealists with the idea of ​​the Object trouvè were the first to give way to the entry of common objects into the artistic context, it is only those who develop this type of approach starting from the 60s, above all the so-called nouveaux-realistes artists who, under the guidance of the art critic Pierre Restany, seek, despite the diversity that distinguishes the individual personalities, to find a fascinating dimension in reality made up of objects of various kinds , poetic, ironic. The work of Arman, Baj, Aubertin, some of whose works are on display, develops in this direction. In the same period, the Fluxus movement was also born, to which the Frenchman Ben Vautier adheres, and of which the Florentine Giuseppe Chiari is the only important Italian exponent. Even the artists of pop art, which developed in Europe and the USA in the 60s, make extensive use of objects from the world of mass culture in terms of valorisation and exaltation: in the pop field also in Italy Tano Festa, Piero Gilardi , Michelangelo Pistoletto, present in the exhibition, make extensive use of new and unusual objects or materials for the artistic context. Individual authors then interpret this theme in a personal way such as Bruno Ceccobelli whose symbolic language is expressed through collages of objects of the most disparate origins. The assembly of object trouvè is also central to the work of Elio Marchegiani and becomes the starting point for reflections that lead to a subtle irony. Umberto Mariani uses curtains recreated in lead to hide something behind, or in any case to highlight the drapery understood as an important element of the artistic language. And again Hermann Nitsch exhibits clothes that refer to his desecrating performances; in Jiri Kolar, on the other hand, collage, objects and poetry come together to give life to a very personal poetics. About 20 works by: Arman, Bernard Aubertin, Enrico Baj, Bruno Ceccobelli, Giuseppe Chiari, Tano Festa, Piero Gilardi, Jiri Kolar, Elio Marchegiani, Umberto Mariani, Hermann Nitsch, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ben Vautier will be on display.

Catalog show

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