The desire to reach an increasingly large number of collectors and art enthusiasts has prompted many artists to deal with the concept of seriality and with the new technologies necessary for the production of art multiples. The ever-increasing success of these serial works, which often have nothing to envy to the so-called one-of-a-kind works, both on the national and international markets, demonstrates that interest in these works has continued to grow. The exhibition project of this exhibition at the Guastalla Centro Arte gallery is centered on the presentation of about 50 works by internationally renowned contemporary artists who have also developed the design of multiple works over time. The exhibited works cover a period of time that goes from the early 60s to the present day, a period that has seen a great diffusion of the author multiple and which embraces various artistic movements and currents: abstract and informal art , present in the exhibition with works by Accardi, Capogrossi, Dorazio, Scanavino, Jenkins and Tapies, programmed and kinetic art, represented by some serigraphs with optical effects by A. Biasi and Munari, spatialism, of which a rare lithograph by Lucio Fontana and 2 extroflessioni on paper by Bonalumi are proof of this. And yet the experiments of conceptual art and poor art, on display with rare works by Gino De Dominicis, Alighiero Boetti and Michelangelo Pistoletto, and those of Italian pop art, of which some multi-material multiples by Enrico Baj are an example. Particularly important are "I pendulums", a steel sculpture by Fausto Melotti and "Homage to Leonardo" a multi-material multiple by Christo, as well as "The little knight" by Marino Marini and "Midi le trefle blanc" a precious aquatint by Joan Mirò: for finish “Pythagoras” canceled book by Emilio Isgrò and “Pittura bianca” two elements in materic screen printing by Pino Pinelli.
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